Upcoming Events

Parish Communion for Mothering Sunday
An all-age Eucharist for Mothering Sunday, including the traditional distribution of flowers. Our main Sunday service is the Parish Communion at 10am. It usually lasts a little over an hour and we serve refreshments at the back of the church afterwards. All are welcome.

Holy Communion
Wednesday Communion
This service offers an opportunity to create some reflective space in the middle of many people’s increasingly busy weeks, and to connect with other members of the St Andrew’s community. Everyone is welcome to partake of the communion bread and wine if that is their custom, or alternatively to receive a few words of blessing. This service takes place every Wednesday evening except when there is a Community Meal.

Kitchen Tables
Part of our emerging Fresh Expressions work. A space for adults to gather around faith and friendship in someone’s home. Kitchen Tables is open to anyone who is interested in exploring their spiritual life beyond the Sunday services. For details please e-mail allsortz.earlsfield@gmail.com by 24 hours before the event.

Holy Communion
Our communion service on the first Sunday of the month is a said service lasting about half an hour. After the service refreshments are offered.

A service for all ages
Allsortz is an interactive family gathering on the first Sunday of most months, with a lovely communal ownership of the space and the rhythms we practice together. The children are often the ones to explain the different moments we travel through together and the keen anticipation of their favourite activities is always a highlight.

Holy Communion
Wednesday Communion
This service offers an opportunity to create some reflective space in the middle of many people’s increasingly busy weeks, and to connect with other members of the St Andrew’s community. Everyone is welcome to partake of the communion bread and wine if that is their custom, or alternatively to receive a few words of blessing. This service takes place every Wednesday evening except when there is a Community Meal.

Parish Communion for Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday liturgy. Our main Sunday service is the Parish Communion at 10am. It usually lasts a little over an hour and we serve refreshments at the back of the church afterwards. All are welcome.

Maundy Thursday: Eucharist of the Last Supper
Eucharist of the Last Supper, followed by Watch of Prayer until 10pm
[Note: there is no Wednesday Communion service this week]

Good Friday Service
Good Friday service at St. Andrew’s, held jointly with Earlsfield Baptist Church.

Parish Communion for Easter Sunday
We celebrate Easter at our main Sunday service. The weekly Parish Communion is at 10am (except on the first Sunday of the month). It usually lasts a little over an hour and we serve refreshments at the back of the church afterwards. All are welcome.

Community Meal
Nourishment for body and soul.
The Community Meal is usually held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 6-8pm, but is on the 4th Wednesday this month due to Easter. Hosted by the Home Cafe and run by volunteers. It is a wonderful, welcoming space open to everybody in our local community of any age and background, any faith or none. We share a meal in a relaxed setting getting to know one another and enjoying the home cooked food and the plethora of desserts that we bring and share.

Parish Communion
Our main Sunday service is the Parish Communion at 10am. It usually lasts a little over an hour and we serve refreshments at the back of the church afterwards. All are welcome.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting
[Advance notice of date] Our Annual Meeting takes place after the Parish Communion service. It is an opportunity to receive reports on all the activities of the St. Andrew’s community over the last year, and to reflect upon them. There is also an election for some of the members of the Parochial Church Council.

Holy Communion
Wednesday Communion
This service offers an opportunity to create some reflective space in the middle of many people’s increasingly busy weeks, and to connect with other members of the St Andrew’s community. Everyone is welcome to partake of the communion bread and wine if that is their custom, or alternatively to receive a few words of blessing. This service takes place every Wednesday evening except when there is a Community Meal.

Forest Church
A seasonal gathering for all ages. Join us for a walk in the forest to find God in the beauty of nature and the story of the seasons. Meet in the Windmill car park on Wimbledon Common at 2.45pm. Please call 07824 666830 in advance if you plan to come along.

Parish Communion
Our main Sunday service is the Parish Communion at 10am. It usually lasts a little over an hour and we serve refreshments at the back of the church afterwards. All are welcome.